What You Need to Know

About Snow in

The Willows of Potomac

  • All Willows single-family home streets are county-owned streets and are plowed by the county.  Please visit MOCO’s Snow website for specific information about snow removal operations.  Also, if you have any concerns, you can reach the county by dialing 311.
  • All Willows townhome streets are private streets and are plowed by the Association’s contractor.  If you have any concerns, please get in touch with our property manager, Sandra Ewing, at  301-540-8600 or by email at sewing@vanguardmgt.com.
  • Everybody, single-family home dweller or townhome dweller, owner or tenant, is required by law to clear the sidewalks adjacent to their properties of snow and ice within 24 hours of the end of a snowstorm.  Our private contractor clears the sidewalks adjacent to the common areas in our neighborhood.  Please be careful also to clear the areas leading to a curb cut and access to fire hydrants.  Be a good neighbor and help ensure our sidewalks are safe for school children and pedestrians.  For more information on this requirement, please check out MOCO’s Snow/Safe Sidewalks Info.

Working together, we can stay safe and warm this winter.